Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Happy new year! i'm getting bald!!!

Happy new year people!!!!

Runaway atoskin is back. It feels like i haven't blogged in years. o how i have missed blogville, i have been so busy at work and it feels good to be back!

The year has been very good, God has really been faithful and i am indeed grateful.

I'm now on twitter, i'm still trying to figure how it works though. I wanna say thank you to myne whitman, Toinlicious and 9jafoodie for following me. i don't have so many friends on blogsville so i have gotta appreciate the few i have.

Nothing much has happened to me except that i think i'm getting bald. The state of my front hairline has been so worrisome to me over the past few days. After jejely fixing orisirisi weaves and religiously applying Dr. Miracles Hair grow oil for over a year, i felt i needed a new look so i decided to braid my hair, the aftermath of those braids is a SUPER STORY!!! I have been having sleepless nights because of my hair, its so bad that i cannot even attempt to comb my hair all back, am sure any child that sees me will run for his/her life.

Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating, but its really terrible. I have my natural hair one now and i'm really hoping and praying that something happens fast.

I will appreciate if anyone has any idea of how i can grow my hairline. I have considered going on low cut but my oga no gree.

Please help a sister in need!!!

That being said "Life and Living" will be a year old on the 18th. I'm really very happy that i was able to pull it off after many failed attempts i have had blogging.

Right now, i see my blog as my baby, the excitement a mother would feel when her child starts talking or walking is exactly how i feel about my blogversary.

I wish everybody a wonderful year....